Writing Prompt: Earworm

What song is stuck in your head(or on permanent rotation in your CD or MP3) Why does it speak to you?

The following song by Celine Dion is stuck in my head.


The song reminds me of the sinking of the ,”Titanic’. I can visualize how traumatic it was for all those people who thought they were safe and suddenly the claim it was unsinkable was only a claim.

They were caught by surprise and were I think desperately looking for something to hold onto to live. This type of catastrophe makes us realize how fragile life is and we should enjoy life every moment we’re alive the best way we can because tomorrow we may not see the light of day.



6 thoughts on “Writing Prompt: Earworm

  1. Dear Ranu,

    Thank you for this post.

    Celine Dion is a wonderful singer.

    Life is indeed fragile. May we be granted the wisdom to live well.

    All good wishes,


  2. I never saw “Titanic,” but can fully understand from your account how it fits the movie as well as the emotions therein.

    Personally, I am not a fan of the song, but it may have been that when it first came out in 1998, I could not avoid it on the radio and its repetition turned me off from it.

    • It’s funny I only found out about her when I heard the song,I came to know her name and best of all she is a Canadian.
      Wow I said I didn’t know we had such an awesome singer.I am a bit biased but her voice is so good.

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