Words of Wisdom–Posted by Ranu

This morning we lost power, I was bored I spent some time reading”The time travelers wife”, I changed the book and took out ‘Atlas Shrugged’ I wasn’t feeling comfortable the house was getting cold. I took out my album and looked at some of our photographs, I quickly got tired of it too.

Then I got hold of a book where I found some words of wisdom, I knew this will keep my mind busy, I read some of them, found them interesting.  I copied them in my book and thought I’ll post them on my blog.

Here they are:

1.People with clenched fist cannot shake hands.  UNKNOWN

2. The scientific theory I like best is that Saturn’s rings are composed of of lost airline luggage. MARK RUSSELL

3. If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.  DEREK BOK

4. Poetry is a way of taking life by the throat.  ROBERT FROST

5. We treat this world of ours as if we had a spare in the trunk.  AL BERNSTEIN

6. It may be that those who do most, dream most.  STEPHEN LEACOCK

7. There is nothing on earth intended for innocent people so horrible as school. G.B. SHAW

8. The trouble with morning is that they come when you’re not awake.  REX STOUT

More later!: https://sabethville.wordpress.com/2015/01/25/words-of-wisdom-posted-by-ranu/


6 thoughts on “Words of Wisdom–Posted by Ranu

  1. Dear Ranu,

    Thank you for this post. I like all these bites of wisdom. For each one, a whole post could be written!

    All good wishes,


    • Thank you Leslie, this is not about this post but a post I published a few days ago,
      I remember once I told you a photograph my friend took of me when I was in college, in your
      comment you said you wanted to see it.I know it’s been a long time but I was able to
      post it a few days ago.

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