365 Writing Prompts: 21st-century citizen

Do you belong in this day and age? Do you feel comfortable being a citizen of the 21st century? If you do, explain why– and if you don’t , when in human history would you be?

As far as I know, I’m here and it won’t make any difference whether I like it or hate it. Each century brings with it good and bad, if I could take all the good things that happened in each century and give it a name it would be superb.

It is not only unthinkable it is ridiculous. I like reading about the century when Mughal Empire thrived, all those beautiful architecture, music, poetry and the gorgeous buildings are thoroughly pleasing to read about, but there amidst all this beauty there lived people who were poor and down trodden, they were living in the century, but could not appreciate all the wonderful things surrounding them, they were unable to be part of it, they were haunted by poverty. In that era only the rich were fortunate to enjoy everything around them.

Twenty-first century seems better comparatively, poverty still is a factor, but the people are looked after by their respective governments, although in some countries this is not the case.

I don’t mind living in the twenty-first century, it is easier to travel, we get news of the world instantly. There is so much to do, so much to see one cannot be bored.I think I like the twenty-first century.

………………………….. 🙂

6 thoughts on “365 Writing Prompts: 21st-century citizen

  1. Dear Ranu,

    Thank you for this post. Your post highlights that, regardless of century, humankind face similar challenges…namely, creating a harmonious world together with each other.

    All good wishes,


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