Blogging 101, Day three : Say Hello to the Neighbors.

Today’s assignment: follow five new topics in the Reader and five new blogs.

I followed five new topics they are :1. Manufacturing Inc. Meetings

2.   Banks

3. hot days and photographs included

4. Challenge quotes

5. Anglo-Swiss’s visit from Switzerland to Germany

I enjoyed reading all the topics , I was tempted to join the quotes challenge I’m already three days late,   maybe I’ll try later.

I found out from one of the topics , Scotland is having a week of warm days, 27 degrees Celsius. The author included his photographs which are colorful.

The author whose post was about Banks, reminded me how banks are making money with our savings, and we get very little as dividend.

Manufacturing Inc. meetings was very interesting, the author’s description of the setting and the people in it, their conversation, gave me a glimpse of what goes on in these meetings. I know it’s fiction.

Now I must look for blogs I’d like to follow.

……………………………………….. 🙂


4 thoughts on “Blogging 101, Day three : Say Hello to the Neighbors.

  1. Dear Ranu,

    What a neat thing it is that so many people blog in so many different ways! Thank you for sharing this post.

    All good wishes,


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