Daily Prompt: Wasted Days And Wasted Nights

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Tell us your tried and true techniques for focusing when that deadline looms and you need to get work done.In other words, how do you avoid wasted days and wasted nights?

I like deadlines, it helps me to discipline myself. Having said that if the task is given two weeks ahead, I tend to tell myself there is plenty of time to get it done.

I put the task aside and do other things, then I get a call from my friend, “did you get the work done?” She asks.

This is the time I panic,I wonder what happened to two weeks, what did I do , how will I get my work done in two days?

Somehow magically I’m able to complete my task, really it’s not magic it’s me working all hours of the day to get it done.

This is my way of catching up to the wasted days and wasted nights!

………………………. 🙂



4 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Wasted Days And Wasted Nights

  1. Dear Ranu,

    Thank you for sharing this. Like you, I do well with deadlines, as they help motivate and channel my energy.

    All good wishes,


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