DP Daily Prompt: Sudden Downpour

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It was sunny when you left home, so you didn’t carry an umbrella.An hour later, you’re caught in a torrential downpour. You run into the first store you can find– it happens to be a dark, slightly shabby antique store, full of old artifacts,books and dust. The shop’s ancient proprietor walks out of the backroom to greet you. Tell us what happens next!

To avoid getting drenched I walked into the first store I saw, it was an old shabby antique store, I didn’t feel comfortable, I did not intend to stay there too long, I thought when the rain comes suddenly it stops quickly too, keeping that thought maybe it’s the passing clouds,I wouldn’t have to wait in this place too long, I ventured to look for the owner, suddenly I heard the words, “Good day what brings you here?”

I was so startled I thought I’d have a heart attack, I tried to stay calm and turned around what I saw was a man who looked older than his antique store, for a moment a fleeting notion grasped me, “could he be a ghost of this antique store, making sure there are no intruders?”

My imagination went wild, in despair, I made an attempt to run towards the door, before I could move he grabbed my shoulders and said, “Where do you think you’re going, once you’re in you’re stranded, no one can and will rescue you, so take it easy and do as I tell you.”

Hearing these words I trembled with apprehension. He lowered his voice and uttered, “I always keep a bottle of potion to calm the nerves of my visitors.”

Then to my horror I saw him pouring the so called potion into a tiny antique cup which seemed to collect all the dust and then some, “will he force me to drink it?” I thought.

Yes he was determined to calm my nerves, he came close to me forcefully opened my mouth and poured the disgusting liquid into my mouth, I tried to spit it out but he held my mouth until I ingested it.

The potion not only calmed me,it made me fall asleep, I had no idea how long I slept, I woke up hearing some noise, I opened my eyes and found a very cute little girl smiling at me, “did my grandpa scare you too, oh no I hope he didn’t make you drink  his potion, it’s disgusting isn’t it?”

Before I answered her barrage of questions, I  asked her who she was, she remarked, “it’s a long story I’ll tell you when you come here again.

Do I have the heart to revisit this ghostly place I’m afraid not!
