Writing 101,day-20

The future

Image by Cheri @wordpress

The image is so attractive,I had to use it in my last post. I hope you don’t mind Cheri.

Some prompts to get you started.

Next month I plan to..

What does the remainder of 2015 hold for you?

I believe that my future looks….

In the future I could do without

5,10, 20 years from now……

I have registered to do the course on poetry offered by WordPress. Poetry is my favorite subject. I love reading it, memorizing it and reciting it.

When I was studying in the lower grades, we were encouraged to read, memorize and recite it in school.

I have done it in three different languages; English, Bengali(my mother tongue) and Urdu I studied in school and college.

In English I was introduced to H.W. Longfellow, William Wordsworth and a whole host of poets, whom I adore.

In Bengali, there were a lot too, but Tagore reigned supreme in my heart.

Urdu: I loved Mirza Ghalib’s poetry, lately I have begun to understand and appreciate, Allama Iqbal’s poetry.

This is why I picked to do a course on poetry with WordPress. I’m hoping it will help me to write poetry.

I cannot believe we are doing the last assignment already. This time I met some awesome bloggers. Mireille’s journey to health posts, teaches me new things everyday.

Marianne is a wonderful writer, she has introduced some helpful hints to improve my writing.

Jacqueline is a dear, a very talented blogger, who has such a warm and friendly style.

Susurras has kindly given me some instructions how to link the posts.

Spirit dancing’s latest post: Why I went gluten free is a must read post.

Here is the link:

Why I Went Gluten Free

Last but not least Cheri and Ben Huberman have been awesome, I hope they’ll continue to help us in our upcoming endeavors, Thank you all from me, Ranu, for helping with things  I would never have learned had I not met you all .

My very best wishes to everyone in this course. I’d love to meet you all again. 🙂