DP Daily Prompt: Cupid’s Arrow

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Write an ode to someone or something you love.Bonus points for poetry.

I’ve been to a number of cities, the one I love the best is Montreal. It is neat and clean, there are places to go and see.I never get bored here, once I land there, I take a trip to the farmer’s market, watching people buy and sell is a lot of fun.

There are chocolate shops, vegetable stands, fresh bread of all kinds  on display. I buy a small basket of vegetables to cook and eat in our rented apartment, I remind myself not to waste food, I stick to buying enough for one day.

I visit the chocolate shop, it has so many varieties, I’m tempted to buy a few of each variety but I don’t. My mind whispers,”Ranu sugar is bad for you.”

I leave the shop right away.

Next I visit the famous bread shop, I buy my favorite cheese bread to bring home, one for my neighbor and three for me. I put them in the freezer to keep them from getting stale.

I always promise not to buy clothes, it is tough to stay away, so I buy one ,two or even three. Next thing I realize, I do not have enough space in my suitcase, so I go off to buy a suitcase.

Oh my, I remember the lines I learned in “Moral Science”, temptation is an inclination to commit sin which needs an effort of the will to resist it.

I certainly lack that will power when it comes to shopping. Shopping, visiting different places in Montreal makes me happy.

Then on my walks I hear the locals speaking French, I cannot join the conversation , I’m lacking fluency in the language. I walk away thinking I must devote some time to learn French.

Before we know it we are back home, talking about how much fun we had and also make plans to go back next year!

“Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone :).
