The Twins

Lillie McFerrin Writes

Lily and Lana were twins, they were not like your average twins,each one had a different set of values they were raised by their parents, their  mom taught from their infancy about the do’s and don’ts of life.

It was peculiar to note, Lana who was a few minutes older, was so considerate and helpful, while Lily gave no importance to those attributes they carried no importance to her, she had a very queer personality. She did not like any of her sister’s friends, in her opinion they were not worth hanging out with.

As days went by the sisters drifted apart, their parents tried to figure out what went wrong, it seemed it was a puzzle they could not solve.

Then one day something happened, which seemed like magic to the parents and Lana, Lilly came home with gifts for everyone and they were expensive, she hugged her sister and her parents and continued to apologize for her unacceptable behavior, Mom stood in the corner and thought, “Wow she really is unpredictable!”


DP Daily Prompt: Secret of Success Post by Ranu

I consider blogging an “Art”.  I have ways to go to achieve this special ‘Art’. In my opinion I am doing well. Anytime I am able to write the daily prompts successfully according to my estimation, my attempts are worth considering. Then if I even have one follower who likes what I write,it is victory for me.

Since I’ve joined the daily prompt group,I am exposed to a variety of topics,I have written as much as was possible. Some were easier than others. The main thing is I’ve taken the prompts and made them my own.  Opinions differ about the”Secret of Success”, I feel if I can nail the topic my way, that’s the secret of my success. Granted when my work is published, you wouldn’t find it crowded with comments,I’ll probably have one or at the most two. It really does not matter and it will not stop me to continue writing. The pleasure I derive from writing a paragraph or two each morning is enough for me to tell myself ,”I AM SUCCESSFUL’!