365 Writing Prompts: Secret of success

What would it take for you to consider yourself a “successful blogger”? Is that something you strive for?

When I started blogging I did not think of success, it was something unknown to me, I wanted to see how I’d do, in other words will the other seasoned bloggers be interested to read my posts, there were a few. I was not disappointed, I felt even if I had one blogger who reads my post every day, I’d feel I am successful.

Fortunately there is one who reads it and finds whatever I write interesting, and always writes wonderful comments.

I do not strive to become a successful blogger, I wanted to become a successful teacher, I became one as far as the administrators and the children are concerned. I did not get any award for it, but I was happy to know the children ,their parents and the principals I worked with liked me. This is the kind of success I like.



DP Daily Prompt: Ebb and Flow Post by Ranu

My blog’s decline or decay three years in the future will solely depend on how much time I’d be able to invest. Smooth flow or block also rests on the  “Readers”.

We are getting so many emails from WordPress,how we can improve,is tempting me to observe what or how I can use their invaluable and free ideas. The problem is,me,myself and I. I feel contented to do what I’m doing,change is good but how it can affect my blog is what I’d like to know.

Right now I have very few who care to leave a comment. How is it going to be different if I look into the future and plan to make a drastic change. I’ve noticed those who get innumerable comments are those whose friends are bloggers and also friends who know about their blog.

People I know in St. John’s do not know about my blog,there is only one who reads it,but does not comment. Back in my original home, I have relatives who will not care to comment,they might think it’s a waste of time.

Given the number of people and their negative thinking actually slows down my eagerness to transform my blog.

DP Daily Prompt: Secret of Success Post by Ranu

I consider blogging an “Art”.  I have ways to go to achieve this special ‘Art’. In my opinion I am doing well. Anytime I am able to write the daily prompts successfully according to my estimation, my attempts are worth considering. Then if I even have one follower who likes what I write,it is victory for me.

Since I’ve joined the daily prompt group,I am exposed to a variety of topics,I have written as much as was possible. Some were easier than others. The main thing is I’ve taken the prompts and made them my own.  Opinions differ about the”Secret of Success”, I feel if I can nail the topic my way, that’s the secret of my success. Granted when my work is published, you wouldn’t find it crowded with comments,I’ll probably have one or at the most two. It really does not matter and it will not stop me to continue writing. The pleasure I derive from writing a paragraph or two each morning is enough for me to tell myself ,”I AM SUCCESSFUL’!

DP Daily Prompt: Tables Turned Posted by Ranu

Tables turned is best for me when I am in control.I like being in front of the camera,rather than behind. Staying behind brings a lot of doubt in my mind.I do not feel comfortable. My worse fear is being written about.I love writing a story,a biography or a translation.It gives me the opportunity to express myself.

I am not a person who can do much, when I am written about. I dislike it. Sometimes I find people are cruel. I am more relaxed and happy when I get to write,it can be anything.

There are two kinds of criticism,one destroys a person’s confidence.The other is the one that encourages. Blogging has given me the chance to read comments of people who visit my blog.They are exceptional,they help me by their awesome comments. As yet I did not feel intimidated by any of the bloggers who visit. This is something very positive for me. They let me be in control,which is the best spot for me. I am very thankful to all those visitors on my blog.who have helped this far.