See More Clearly

The Cathie Barash Blog

a clear view

Worrying about actual or potential problems can be a potent mind altering experience, and prevent us from seeing things clearly. This persistent mental uneasiness can distort mild concerns into full blown panic attacks, if left unchecked. Just as dirt on our windshield can obscure our vision, so can muddled thinking block our creativity, and distract our attention from seeing what we have control over and what we don’t.

We don’t necessarily have control over the thoughts that drift into our mind but we do have control over where we choose to steer them. It can seem like our blurring thoughts are helping us to solve our concerns but as we know, worrying rarely leads to solutions, and doesn’t prevent those worst-case scenarios from happening anyway.

Therefore, instead of focusing on scary outcomes and answering the dreadful ‘what if’ questions that often keep us up at night; we can direct our…

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