Five sentence fiction:Breakfast

Lillie McFerrin Writes

It was a school day, Penny woke up late, she was about to rush to school, her mom stopped her.

“No, Penny,” Mom said, “you must not skip the first meal of the day.”

Reluctantly she came back and sat in the kitchen, hurry mom she said, “just pour a glass of milk, I’ll be okay.”

Mom ignored her request, she toasted two slices of bread, fried an egg, and poured a small glass of orange juice, “start eating, think about nothing but the food in front of you, at this moment your concentration should be on your breakfast, do not lose this precious time thinking about school.”

Penny was astonished to hear how her mom was speaking,she never told her to concentrate on eating her food before, she must have read a book with a title which says,”Concentrate,” how strange she thought and started eating.


DP Daily Prompts: Pens and Pencils

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When was the last time you wrote something substantive–a letter, a story, a journal entry, etc.—by hand? Could you ever imagine to a pre–keyboard era?

Last time I used to write with my pen was yesterday, it so happens my brother is writing a book, after completing the first chapter he sent it to me to read and write my comments.

When I finished reading it the first time, I could not recall what I read, how will  I comment on something I could not remember.

When I was in college I was unable to concentrate, I tried to remedy the situation, by reading it two three times, I realized when I was reading  something my focus was  on something else, this was terrible,I told myself maybe if I write it down I’ll do better, see when I write I have to focus or else I won’t be able to write correctly.

So when brother dear gave me the task of reading and commenting,I knew I had to write it down first, then read what I wrote, sure enough I was able to comment on the chapter.

Writing by hand is great I get to practice my writing, make sure the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed and m does not look like w and vice versa.

You might be amazed to know it took me two hours to write six pages both sides, my writing looked better as I continued writing. I don’t need spell check because I learned to spell correctly in school, thanks to the nuns who taught me!

So dear brother if you’d care to know I spent two hours writing your chapter one and then wrote my comment. 🙂


DP Daily Prompt: New Skin

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If you could spend the next year as someone radically different from the current “you”–a member of a different species, someone from a different gender or generation, etc.– who would you choose to be?

I’d love to be Rabindranath Tagore, to see if all his creativity rubs off on me. His poems, his stories, his non-fiction and his songs is what makes him who he was.

For starters I’d like to concentrate on his songs and pay more attention to the lyrics. I’m always motivated by his songs, the soft melody makes the songs beautiful.

I always wanted to learn singing, but could not my mom was too scared for she thought I may not get the kind of education she wanted me to have.

Now it’s different I can live in the world of fantasy for a while and be what I’d like to be, a singer, who is able to play as many musical instruments as is humanly possible. Pull out of the archives some of the best songs of Tagore and sing them with ease much like a professional. That will be awesome for me!
