365 Writing Prompt: A mystery wrapped in enigma

Tell us something most people probably don’t know about you.

There is nothing mysterious about me,I am no different from anyone out there. As a child growing up I was only interested in playing with my siblings. Studying hard was not in my repertoire. As long as I could get through I was happy. Who got more marks than me was never my fear.

I did notice my teachers and one of my siblings thought I could do much better in my school work if I put in a little more work.

I used to finish three hour exams in an hour. I remember the principal in my college once said, ” You know what your problem is you finish your your exams too quickly.”

This little advice to me went in one ear and came out the other, it made no impact on me.

Once my first cousin’s husband told me I’d never be as good as my sister. He was one of those people I disliked, I always ignored him.

I was sailing along the journey of life, never caring who said what, until I was in post graduate class. I woke up from my long slumber and realized I’d have to do well in this, which meant I must work hard, the moment this realization hit me I was a different person, I went to the library daily, I studied, I wasted no time playing or in idle talk.

I surprised everyone including my siblings.

I had very few friends, I was never interested to have many friends.The ones I had were my friends forever.

I loved reading novels I still do.

I love blogging, it gives me an opportunity to read the post of other bloggers. Besides blogging, I enjoy  cooking a variety of foods.

In my spare time I watch TV it helps me relax. These days the Wimbledon tennis championships are shown on TV, I’m having a great time watching them.

This is all I can think of writing about me. 🙂

…………………………………………. 🙂

Daily Prompt: A Mystery Wrapped in Enigma

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Tell us something most people probably don’t know about you.

I have two names, one is Ranu which is a nickname, my family members and close relatives call me Ranu. Most of my relatives do not know my second name.

My second name is Chaman, my classmates and my school friends call me Chaman.

I do not have too many friends, because I’m not outgoing. I like spending time at home. I dislike going out in the evening, sometimes I’m forced to go out.

Rice is my favorite food. I love spicy food, I avoid eating bland food.

I love vegetables, but I do not care for fruits.

Among proteins I enjoy any kind of fish. I am not fond of chicken, I eat it. I find chicken tasteless, no matter how many different spices I use to cook it, I do not find it that good. Beef is my favorite meat. I can cook it many different ways.

I love learning languages, lately I haven’t tried to learn a new language. I find Spanish easier to learn than French.

I am very fond of music, my favorite singers are Mohammed Rafi, Lata, Tagore, Talat Mehmood and Celine Dion. Celine is a French Canadian singer, the rest are from India.

My favorite pastime is blogging, reading novels in three languages, the languages are: Bengali(my mother tongue) Urdu I learned to speak, read and write in school . I have tons of novels in English.

Right now I’m reading, “The American Dervish”, I read almost all the books written by Paolo Coelho.

I spend a lot of time with my feline friends : Gabriel and Raphael.

This is all about me.



365 Writing Prompts: Reading Material

How do you pick what blogs or books to read? what’s the one thing that will get you to pick up a book or click on a link every single time?

Some of the blog posts I always read are written by my friends, then there are some I like because of their poetic skills, I read it  to help me.

There are posts where the writer writes about topics that are very interesting. For e.g., “The Bronx Boys”, there are others who write equally interesting posts.

Books: I always pick books based on the title : “I want to go home’ by Gordon Korman, “Charlie and the chocolate factory ” by Roald Dahl; “A dog’s journey”; and most of Paulo Coelho’s books.

I also read novels by Bengali and Urdu writers in those languages.There are many to choose from so far I’ve read the books written by popular authors.

Besides novels I like reading Biographies of famous people such as: Clinton, Iqbal, Tagore and others.




Nov.4th: NaBloPoMo My favorite poet Tagore Written and posted by ranu https://sabethville.wordpress.com

Rabindranath Tagore won the Nobel prize for li...

Rabindranath Tagore won the Nobel prize for literature. It is the first Nobel prize won by Asia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I heard about Rabindranath Tagore when I first came to Bangladesh. He was a very popular poet. There used to be recitation contest in schools,the most used poems were those written by Tagore.  My sister’s friend played a Tagore song to entertain me. As soon as I heard the song,I sat up and listened,the friend knew I liked the song,she asked me if I wanted to hear it again I nodded my head, she watched me and kept on playing the song. After playing a number of times,she asked me if I wanted to hear it again,and also reminded me she had played the song thirteen times already.I was embarrassed and said no. Imagine hearing the same song thirteen times. I managed to remember the lyrics and the tune. I had no trouble singing the song.

Since that time I read Tagore’s novels,poems and songs. When I started blogging one of my online course participant advised me to translate Tagore’s poems.I have translated quite a few.

We, Bengalees are very proud of our poet. Thanks to YouTube I am able to listen to his songs.

DP Daily Prompt: Tagline

Hello,I am a WordPress blogger, I use Ranu as my user name. I like translating Rabindranath Tagore’s poems.I have done several.I also have written reviews of novels I read.

I take online courses offered by Iqbal Academy.

I like reading variety of books.I recently finished reading,”Paulo Coelho’sPilgrimage.

I spend my time cooking,and trying different recipes.I like spicy food.

This is all about me.