DP Daily Prompt: Why Can’t We Be Friends

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Do you find it easy to make new friends? Tell us how you’ve mastered the art of befriending a new person.

Friends I have very few,you won’t even need five fingers on your right hand to count them. I don’t easily make friends,it’s my personality, I’d say.

I have a tough time starting a conversation with a stranger, so they,I mean the strangers,have plenty to say about me, e.g., she is too proud,she is dumb, unsocial, they use all the adjectives they can find to describe me. Does it bother me? Nope I ignore these comments because I know who I am.

So far I cannot recall befriending a single soul. I love my quiet time and too many friends will take it away from me.Is this who I am,no but the fact is I grew up in a large family, my siblings were the ones with whom I spent my waking time,I talked,I played , I teased them, we had nothing to worry about losing friends,my siblings except one were always there for me, and I did the same for them.

When I went to college I was homesick, my siblings were not there to ask me anything. There were a whole bunch of girls busy with girl talk, I didn’t belong,so I was in no hurry to have any of them as my friend.

I spent week-ends in my local guardian’s house, he was a kind man,I loved talking to him about my family about college studies and everything. He was a delightful listener and I enjoyed telling him about the weirdos in the hostel.

This probably explains about friends or befriending,I  have no qualms talking about it.


24 thoughts on “DP Daily Prompt: Why Can’t We Be Friends

  1. We resemble a little on this matter. I don’t have many friends either. In fact, I’m not sure if I have any. It’s very hard to find one true friend.

    Of course, just like you said, you don’t have to worry about what people say. If they judge without knowing you, most likely you wouldn’t want to be nowhere near them.

    Peace !

  2. Pingback: Daily prompt: Friends | The Wandering Poet

  3. Dear Ranu,

    Thank you for this post about friends and befriending. Friends come and friends go. One of these days, I will hopefully be a better friend to my friends.

    All good wishes,


    • It wasn’t easy to make friends, I only had one or two friends in school and college.
      It’s strange in Lahore I had a lot of good friends,they were really nice to me.

  4. Pingback: Will You be my friend? Daily Prompt | ALIEN AURA'S BLOG: IT'LL BLOW YOUR MIND!

  5. I have always struggled socially – and, as a consequence, tend to have a very small group of close friends (three, perhaps four) rather than a large group. This suits me fine. I am, by nature, shy and insecure, though I tend to cover it up with a loud persona. Like you, Ranu, I had lots of siblings – and I do think that makes a difference. xxx

  6. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Why Can’t We Be Friends? | SIM | ANTICS

  7. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Why Can’t We Be Friends? | My Atheist Blog

  8. Pingback: Why Can’t We Be Friends | Lead us from the Unreal to the Real

  9. Pingback: It’s This Easy | Edward Hotspur

  10. Pingback: Friends not wanted. Thanks anyway | JED's Playhouse

  11. Pingback: Daily Prompt: The Friendship Department | Blissful Pages

  12. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Why Can’t We Be Friends | Nola Roots, Texas Heart

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