DP Daily Prompt: Third Rate Romance

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“Tell us your funniest relationship disaster Story.”


I have no idea what is third rate romance

Is it a real or imaginary story

Imaginary one I can write

Without  any hesitation 

But will you take it 

Into consideration!


There was a girl and a boy 

I knew long ago 

Who fell in love without a doubt

One was lean the other one fat

They had no personality 

I promise you that!


One summer’s day the fat one

Came up with a story

Hang on and wait dear reader

This will make you laugh 

He said my dear, “why are you so lean

When you always lick the platter clean?”


This did not go very well really

The lean one kicked and screamed 

Oh you fatty she said ,”enough of this romance

You nasty pig

I’d never see your face as long as I live!”

Thus ended the romance of fatty and leany! 


https://sabethville.wordpress.com/2014/04/14/daily-prompt-april 14-third rate romance/








Letter: M


I recall the Moments of my life

When the Moon and sun

Did not look right!


What is wrong My dear

Said my Mother,”Is everything

All right, please tell Me!”


I’ve told you many times

Dear Mother,but you 

have only a one track Mind


You prefer to trust Minu

More than Me

This is My real problem

Mother please trust Me!




Writing Prompt: S/He said

Pause whatever you’re doing, and ask the person nearest you what they’re thinking about(call someone if you have to).Write a post about it.

Here is a dialogue I had with my friend :

Me: Hi, how are you?

Friend: I am well, I am worried about my work that I completed two days ago.The people I work with do not take things seriously,their lackadaisical attitude worries me.There is only one person who understands how urgent it is to get things moving.

Me: They need constant reminders to get moving. I don’t know what it is about these people, why they are so lazy and unmotivated. I once thought maybe the weather is a big factor,but I’ve realized there are other reasons.

Friend: what kind of reasons do you think?

Me: A while ago I went to the DPI’s office (Director O f Public Instruction) to get my resignation accepted ASAP, so that I could get clearance from the state bank to go to England. It was a very simple matter, all they had to say was,”Yes your resignation is accepted.” I could not see the D.P.I because the clerk kept making excuses. By his demeanor I realized he wanted me to bribe him. I made up my mind I was not going to give him any money, the result was I was shuttled back and forth between one particular clerk in the D.P.I’s office and my school principal.

Friend: It is sad we have to bribe them to do work they’re already paid for.

Me: I know, I hope you’ll be able to get your work done.

This is my dialogue with my friend .

: https://sabethville.wordpress.com/2014/04/14/writing-prompt-s/he-said