Five sentence fiction: Flames

Lillie McFerrin Writes

It was a beautiful morning, Mrs Hardy was baking muffins for Sandy’s classroom party, they were chocolate chip muffins, they’d be done in another five minutes, Mrs. Hardy told herself, suddenly she recalled her mother’s muffins they were so delicious, she and Mom would eat the fresh muffins when they came out of the oven.

The thought of her mother and the muffins made Mrs. Hardy eager to send some for her mother who lived close by.

As soon as Sandy smelled the muffins she came running to taste one, her mother told her about grandma and how tasty her baked muffins were when she was little, immediately Sandy said , “Can I take some for her, Mom?”

Mrs. Hardy was very pleased her daughter mentioned before she did, she said, “It will be so nice and your grandma would love it.”

Sandy packed a small basket of muffins for her grandma, as she was walking along, she smelled smoke and noticed a fire truck speeding along the road, further up the street there were  flames rising up from a house, she wasn’t quite sure who owned the house, she walked a few more steps when someone stopped her,  Sandy looked close, “it’s my grandma’s house, she said I have to save her” her last words were barely audible as she fell and fainted!

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Daily Prompt: Going obsolete

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Of all the technologies that have gone extinct in your lifetime, which one do you miss the most?

I miss the gramophone the most. We had a whole bunch of records, we the siblings used to sit in a room, one of us would handle changing the records, and the rest of us would sit and listen.If there was  one song  we did not like we’d request the brother in charge to change it.

We did not need electricity but rolled the handle a few times to make it work. The image I have posted is not quite the same as the one we had, but it was something like it.

Now with technology a gramophone is no longer something people have, but I miss it.




Wikipedia image

Gramophone.jpg (400×469)

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365 Writing Prompt: The road less traveled

Pinpoint a moment in your past where you had to make a big decision.Write about that other alternate life that could have unfolded.

When I was in Dhaka, Bangladesh, I saw an ad for a teaching job in Islamabad, Pakistan. I applied for the job,the headmistress of the school came to Dhaka to interview the applicants. There were six of us competing for that one job. I was called in first, the headmistress was a nice lady, she asked me about my experience,where I taught and how I learned to speak Urdu.

I told her I lived in Rawalpindi Pakistan, where my father worked. We left the city  after my father passed away.

I was immediately offered the job, though there were other applicants yet to be interviewed. I thought about the distance I’d have to travel from Comilla ,Bangladesh, to Islamabad Pakistan. I asked her if there was a hostel nearby where I could stay.

When the headmistress  told me the nearest place to stay was forty miles from the school, I was concerned, I wasn’t sure the distance from the hostel to the school would be convenient for me to travel everyday. I asked my sister, she told me it was a bad idea to take this job.

I declined the job and carried on with  my job in the school where I was already employed.

Had I taken that job the alternate life  that  could have unfolded for me would be frustration for accepting a job so far away from my original home, I’d probably dislike myself for taking a stupid decision. Eventually I know I’d quit the job and come home.

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