Daily Prompt: Doubters Alert

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What commonly accepted truth (or “truth”) do you think is wrong, or at least seriously  doubt? Why?

I would think if someone is guilty of a crime, he/ she will be a criminal forever.This I believe  is a commonly accepted truth.

Iqbal the poet and Philosopher explains how Man possesses the capacity to change, ‘Evil into Good.’

To begin with , we have to recognize that every great religious system starts with certain presuppositions, concerning the nature of Man and the Universe:

1.In Buddhism : it is believed : There is pain in Nature: and Man regarded as an individual , is Evil.

2. Christianity: There is Sin in Nature; and the taint of Sin natural to Man.

3. Zoroastrianism: There is struggle in Nature; Man is the mixture of struggling forces,and is free to range himself on the side of the powers of Good which shall eventually prevail.

The questions now are :1. What is the Muslim view of the Universe and Man; 2. What is the system?

We know Sin, Pain,and Sorrow are constantly mentioned in the Quran.The truth is Islam looks upon the Universe as a reality, consequently recognizes as reality all that is in it.

Sin ,Pain,Sorrow and struggle are certainly real.Islam teaches that Evil is not essential to the universe. The universe can be reformed and the elements of Sin and Evil can be gradually eliminated. All that is in the Universe belongs to God.And the seemingly destructive forces of Nature become sources of life, if properly controlled by Man.

When Man is endowed with so much potential, surely it should be easy for him to transform himself into a good human being.

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Continuation of the story : From my book

Yesterday I wrote about the author’s thoughts on ‘Love.’

Today someone asked, “And what of Marriage?”

He answered you were born together, and together you shall be for evermore.

Love one another, but make not a bond of love:

Let it be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup.

Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.

Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping.

For only the hand of life can contain your hearts.

And stand together yet not too near  together:

For the pillars of the temple stand apart,

And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.

This is about marriage.

Will be continued 🙂

Writing – 101:Why do you write

Today, tell us why do you write?

Set a timer and free-write for 15 or 30 minutes without stopping. Begin your post with “I write because or start it any other way you wish.

I’ve never asked this question why do I write? Now that the question appears before me I wonder, why do I write?

Writing has opened doors for me that were in my mind closed. I’m able to write about my likes and dislikes. My childhood which was the best years of my life. Where we were a happy family, we were contented with everything we had. We did not ask anymore, satisfaction was the keyword in our lives .

Suddenly it all changed, we saw and understood,life was not all about happiness, we must make room or get used to dark unhappy days. Writing gives me the avenue to vent. I know and hope others will read about me and make sense of my personality, why I’ve  become  so quiet, why I take no interest in laughter and good times.

I’ve tasted all of that and thought I’ll always be happy, but it was taken away from n me on a bright sunny morning,when my Dad took his last breath. Before this incidence I thought happiness is forever.

The words of my,”Moral Science Book ” still haunts me, “man can be happy to some extent but cannot attain perfect happiness.”

Little did I realize nothing is permanent in this life, everything is temporary, it is this thought that scares me, I’m scared to be too happy, knowing that tomorrow I won’t be.

I write because I’m free to express myself. There are so many things I can write about,which I won’t be able to do when I am with my friends. They may not like when I talk only about myself.

I can write more,but now I think this is all for today.

I’m happy to be a part of the writing 101 participants. My best wishes to each and every one of you. Thank you for reading my thoughts about ,Why Do I Write?

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